Achieve Your Best Maths Grade Using


Parents... have the confidence that your son/daughter are using past papers every single week as part of their study plan. Foundation and higher levels using Edexcel - more exam boards will be offered too.

Only £5 per student per week to attend as many of the weekly sessions as you like.

Schedule of Upcoming Sessions

You will receive links for all of the sessions on a particular weekend covered by your payment.
No extra charge to join more than one session per weekend. 
I'm starting with Edexcel and will let you know when I add examination boards.
However, there is tonnes of overlap and it is all valuable learning.

About Chris... I'm not a teacher, but...

  • School maths qualifications - Grade A at each of GCSE Maths, A Level Applied Maths, A Level Maths with Mechanics, A Level Further Maths and S Level Maths (beyond A Level)
  • ​​​Previously successful with one to one GCSE Maths private tuition sessions
  • ​Studied Masters in Chemical Engineering at Churchill College, Cambridge University
  • ​​​Full time job as a Programme Director and company owner of PRO PMs - LinkedIn profile here
  • ​46 years old, married with 3 teenage children. 
  • ​​Originally from Huddersfield West Yorkshire and now lives in Surrey.

How Does Each Session Work

What the students say...

"Better than my teaching at school"

- Lara, Surrey, Year 11 iGCSE
"Great explanation of the probability tree and what to do with 'at least' type of questions"

- Karl, Surrey, Year 11, Edexcel
"Hadn't done vectors fully at school so yeah, that helped alot and made sense"

- Joe, Surrey, Year 11, Edexcel

Tips and Tricks in the following...

  • Manipulation of fractions, including with algebra
  • ​Difficult vector questions
  • ​Probability trees with at least...
  • ​Algebra factorising and simplifying complex expressions
  • ​Solving all types of equations
  • Graphs - straight line, curved.. solving equations with graphs
  • ​Any type of percentage calculations
  • ​Bearings
  • ​Plus much more...
  • ​...with every type of exam question covered...

100% Money Back Guarantee After First Session

If you're not entirely satisfied for any reason and don't want to continue after your first session we will provide a full refund and cancel any subscriptions. Simply email and we will sort it.

Sign up to live sessions here

- Details of the live sessions are emailed based on what dates have been paid for. Receipts come from my business PRO PMs.
- If multiple sessions covering different exam boards are run then the same single payment gives access to all exam board sessions.
- Only £5 per week - I want to help you succeed
Step #1: Contact Information
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Post Code:
Step #2: Check out - choose your option below. £5 per weekend.
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated

100% money back refund if requested after first session

No question asked 100% refund guaranteed. If you are unhappy for any reason after your first session, get your money back.

Secure Payment

All orders are through a very secure network using Visa and Stripe. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy.

FAQs / Any Questions...?

  • Question: How much overlap is there between the different exam boards? Answer: Plenty, and certainly enough to make it worthwhile joining the sessions. This is as much about exam paper technique, logical thinking and challenge as it is focused on an exact syllabus
  • Question: Do students have to put their camera? Answer: No - we don't want any cameras on
  • ​Question: Do students have to participate / will they be asked questions? Answer: No - this is watching as part of a group solving questions from exam papers step by step. Students are given time at the beginning of each new question to read through and work out how to go about solving it.
  • ​​Question: Can I start my child earlier than year 10. Answer: Certainly, and of course we cover Foundation level which may be ideal for that.
  • Question: Which payment option do I select? Answer: I change them each week so that there is always the option of a single next lesson, payment for the rest of the current month, the whole of the next month and then an option for every week until the end of the term/year.
  • Question: Do you provide refunds for missed classes? Answer: Unfortunately not. I have sought to keep the pricing as lower as possible based upon seeking reduce processing overheads. Of course, we do provide a refund if you are not happy after the first session attended, including for that session.
  • ​Feel free to ask me anything else - just email me at

Safeguarding Information

  • Links to the Zoom/Teams sessions are only sent to the email address entered on the order form below
  • ​Students are asked to keep their cameras off
  • ​Parents are welcome to join on the link also, or watch the session with their son/daughter
  • ​Sessions are not recorded
  • ​Students names are not required
  • ​Questions can be asked verbally or submitted in the chat
  • ​Details are not stored anywhere other than in a secure CRM system which only records the payers name and email so that session details can be sent out. Students names are not asked for nor stored.
  • ​Payment details are not kept and your details are never shared with any organisation in any way. - All Rights Reserved